Back to School with Poundland

I adore this time of year, it’s always been my favourite, not because it’s getting colder thanks to Autumn just around the corner but Back to School! I left school in 2011 but each year I still get excited to see what’s about because I’m a massive stationery addict. My all time favourite stationery brand is Pukka Pad and two years ago, I reviewed a small selection of their products.

Pukka Pad can be an expensive brand, I seem to always purchase them when they’re on offer. I understand not everyone can afford brands like Pukka Pad, for Back to School this year I wanted to share brands that are good and colourful but at reasonable prices. That’s why when I came across a stationery range from Poundland, I knew this would be perfect to share with you.

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April 2018 – World Stationery Day

What’s better than loving stationery,
then having a whole week dedicated to stationery!

That’s correct, I’m talking about National Stationery Week, which started on Monday. It’s pretty simple really, it’s a whole week celebrating all things stationery, there’s something extra special today though. It’s World Stationery Day! Let’s celebrate the written word. Its aim is to get people all over the world talking and writing about stationery, and why writing by hand is important.

If you know me well, you’ll know that I am completely addicted to stationery. There are many different ways to get involved if you’re a stationery addict, I’ve taken the opportunity to grab a few things from Old English Company, a company who specializes in homeware and stationery, with beautiful hand-lettered quotes. When they reached out to me about a potential collaboration, I jumped at the opportunity!

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Notebook Haul

As some of you might know, I am addicted to stationery. I absolutely love picking up new items, especially adorable ones from Paperchase. Today, I thought I would share with you my Notebook collection, because let me tell you, there is just a few!

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Back to School Supplies Haul – Pukka Pad

It’s that time of year again, when you get yourself ready to start a new chapter in your Education story. I will be starting my third and final year of University later this month which of course means, new stationary! I might have gone a bit over board but I haven’t exactly spent a lot of money.

Seeing as I went on some kind of stationary haul, I thought I would share with you today what I brought. This is a company that I keep going back to each year to buy their supplies. They have a variety of products and colours to chose from, the company I am speaking about is Pukka Pad.

Now without further adieu, let’s begin.

One of the main reasons I love Pukka Pad is because around the Back to School time, they have bundles of their different products. I picked up one last year and everything inside came in real handy. This year I noticed them again but they have included some add products.

The one I brought included an level arch file along with poly pockets, display book, A4 & A5 jotta pad, reporter’s pad, pen, pencil and rubber. Now for only £8 I see this as a massive deal! The set is available in two different colours, pink and blue. Now those people who know me, know that I would of course chose the blue!


Next, I brought a double pack of the A5 jotta pads. I seem to go through these like no tomorrow! They are super useful for anything, I seem to get through quite a lot of note pads at University as I like having different pads for different lectures. That way I know exactly where all my notes are.


Now the last thing I brought is something I haven’t seen before but I felt it could really help me out. It is a study book, it has four dividers for the different sections. Dividers are perfect so you know exactly where things are within a pad. Inside you can find a schedule where you can write down all your different classes.

Next there is a section for to-dos/an action plan, how ever you would like to describe it, there’s plenty of spaces here so you don’t fill it up too quickly. In an similar order is a questions and answers section. Now I can see this working out that you write the question and then your teacher can write the answer in the space provided.

Each of the dividers have different types of paper, the first one lined, second squared, third plain and finally fourth flash cards. These flash cards can be teared out of the book so they can come in handy for presentation or just revision. This isn’t a very big book so I doubt it would last for a whole year of education.

I would probably use this for planning and such rather than note taking in class.


I hope you have liked this post. Let me know in the comments if you are all prepared for September. I brought all of these in my local Tesco, I’m not sure if they are available in other stationary shops. I think some of the sets might be exclusives to different stores so I would do some research to see what’s available if your interested.
