An Introduction To: Blogger Book Nook

I have some very exciting news to share with you, I am now apart of a community called Blogger Book Nook! I thought I would introduce you to this community today as I’ve fallen in love with it and there are some great bloggers involved. Growing up reading was something I always struggled with, my English skills were very poor. Until one of my teachers actually helped me and recommended some authors to improve my reading skills.

This is where my love for Jacqueline Wilson started and I still enjoy reading her books. Now I am pretty much addicted to reading! Whether it be DC Comics or Marvel and supernatural thrillers, I love to be sucked into a different universe. Recently though I’ve had to stop reading as much as I used to, thanks to the time I didn’t have during university. With me finishing my third year in May, I’ve now had a lot more time to actually read, as you know from my monthly book reviews with Neverland Blog Tours.

Now enough chit chat, shall we get started?

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What is the Blogger Book Nook?

The Blogger Book Nook was created by Abbey (from Abbey Louisa Rose) and Tabitha (from What Tabitha Loves), they have described it as their ‘brainchild’. They wanted to create a friendly community of enthusiastic bloggers who all love to read, with regular discussions, recommendations of authors, and sharing books. With the main point of keeping all the members motivated with their reading goals, which was a big push for me as I really want to read more than the one book a month that I’m currently doing.

A Facebook page has been created for this and it’s open to everyone! Each month Abbey and Tabitha will choose a theme, along with uploading a Q&A on their blog in line with the theme. The idea of the theme is to get us all reading different books, discovering new authors and genres. I am always on the lookout for new books to read, this is why I love being apart of Neverland Blog Tours as I’ve been reading books that would normally be out of my comfort zone.

September has just flown by and I am only now writing about September’s Theme, please excuse me on this! I didn’t want to miss out this month’s theme so this is why I’m still publishing this post. You’ll be pleased to know there will be two of these posts this month, as soon I will be chatting October’s Theme. Shall we get into September’s Theme and the questions Abbey has asked?

September’s Theme is Newness

With the Blogger Book Nook being launched in September, it was thought a theme of Newness would be fitting. It’s a pretty simple theme, pick up a book by an author that is completely new to you and if you like, review the book on your blog. The theme is very open, so there is a large variety of books that you can choose from. For me, I’ve only managed to read one book this month so far, pretty disappointing seeing as for my September Goals I did set out to read more books.

Q1) Do you like trying new authors or do you stick to old favourites? Why?
Only until recently I’ve loved trying new authors, before that it was normally just sticking with the same authors and the same genre. I’ve really enjoyed reading new authors, I can’t believe I haven’t done it before! I suppose it’s just one of things that we like to stay with the normal and what we know.

Q2) How do you usually find out about new authors? Reading blog reviews? Advertisements? Recommendations from friends?
I haven’t taken too many recommendations from friends, maybe through Blogger Book Nook, I’ll be able to take some! When I receive emails from Neverland Blog Tours, if the book sounds interesting with its synopsis, I accept the tour. I have taken some interest in books that I read reviews from other bloggers, they normally get me gripped.

Q3) Which new authors are on your TBR list at the moment?
Hmm, I haven’t really thought much towards my TBR list, I still have all my books on my bookshelf that I have to read! So I think pretty much all those books are on my list, I really need to read them before starting anymore. Including the whole Harry Potter and Percy Jackson series.

Q4) Have you come across a new author recently that you really didn’t enjoy reading? Which book was it and why didn’t it appeal to you?
Not as of yet, I’ve pretty much stuck with books that I know I would be interested in, if they sound interesting, I’ve picked them up and fallen in love. I’m sure I will come across an author soon when I start to increase how many books I read.

Q5) Which of your all-time favourite author’s books would you give to a friend who had never read their work before?
Is it bad that I don’t really have an all-time favourite author? I just like a small selection of authors like Jacqueline Wilson and Darren Shan I would recommend the Zom-B Series. I became addicted to that series and I just had to keep picking up the next book to read it, I’m still not finished but with money problems, I can’t pick them up!

We will all be sharing our posts using the hashtag #BBookNook over on Twitter, you can see which author Abbey discovered here and Tabitha here. I would love for you to go and share some love with them and everyone else in the Blogger Book Nook, maybe you’ll even come across a new author.

Who is your favourite author? What are you currently reading? I’m open to recommendations, so let me know in the comments.



33 thoughts on “An Introduction To: Blogger Book Nook

  1. I actually just read Abbey’s post about this month’s theme and again I have to ask – how did I miss that this was being set up?? If you are trying to get back into reading, I have a load of book reviews already on my blog and another load going live over the next few weeks so keep an eye out! However, one book that I really recommend everyone read – The Freedom Writer’s Diary. It really does make you sit back and think about life in general, and I loved the fact that it was diary entries. It meant I could read a couple of entries, or just one, but I didn’t feel like I was being forced to stop in the middle of a chapter!


    1. I don’t know how you’ve missed it lovely! You should definitely join the community and yes I would love that. I’m always on the search for new books so I’m definitely going to check out all your reviews!


  2. This sounds like a fab community for those who love to read! I really miss getting the time to sit down with a good book but hopefully on holiday I’ll get one finished. I loved jacqueline Wilson stuff when I was younger, I would swoon over her new releases and I had a group of friends who I would read with at lunch in school, all of us talking about her books and which ones we were reading.

    Jordanne ||

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’d love to be a part of something like this but I go through phases where I read loads in a row and then nothing at all for ages! Maybe this would get me a bit more motivated to keep at it! I do find reading super relaxing and therapeutic though 🙂 I don’t have a specific favourite author but I also loved Jacqueline Wilson when I was younger and am a sucker for rom-coms!
    Alice Xx


    1. Yeaa, that’s what I was like beforehand, there’s definitely that motivation to read a lot more as everyone around you is reading! I am a sucker for Jacqueline Wilson, I adored her as a kid and I still do. I even had the opportunity to meet her.


  4. Aw Gemma! I had no idea that you’d written this post! Thank you so much for being so involved in the Book Nook, it has made my day to have so many fantastic people engaged in our little community! You should definitely share any future posts you write in the FB group so that I can make sure I read every single one! I hope you love October’s theme just as much as Septembers, thank you again for writing this!

    Abbey 💓


  5. My favourite author is Stephen King, his books are just amazing and I love that genre. I reading different genres from romance to thrillers, philosophical and crime novels. I have joined this group and I’m excited to really take part!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I used to read so much when I was younger! I could literally read one book a day. I don’t know how it happened that I don’t read so much anymore, it was so relaxing. I loved it so much. I still adore books and frankly speaking prefer them to people. Great post!

    Julia xx

    Liked by 1 person

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