Monthly Favourites // May 2020

Goodbye May! Hello June!

I hope you and your family are safe and well. Can you believe June is here? What happened with May! I don’t know about you, but I feel like May went faster than April. Is that because I’ve gotten used to this whole lockdown thing? Well whatever it is, I’m happy for June. Normally June is a really good month, it’s full of car shows and it’s the start of Summer.

I’m not sure what June will bring but hopefully, whatever it is, it will be good! Of course, my Favourites are a little different at the moment, unfortunately, I haven’t been able to do much. This month’s Favourites includes just that, what I have loved throughout May. If you following me on Instagram, you might just recognise some of my Favourites as I’ve been sharing with you A LOT of content on Instagram.

What has been one of your Favourites from May? Let me know in the comments! I’ll love to know.

It’s time to reflect on my May Favourites:

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My favourite things about Spring

Have I ever said how much I adore Spring? This season makes me happy! I swear this time of year does wonders for everything! With longer and warmer days it’s no surprise really. Normally this would also mean more adventures… but I’m sure you all know how well that is going! I’m not going to mention the thing that shall not be mentioned – I’m sure you all know what I’m talking about.

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Monthly Favourites // February 2020

Goodbye February! Hello March!

I hope you’ve had a wonderful month – I’m not going to lie, it’s been up and down. It’s been another quiet month, but I’m happy with that! Especially when looking at my calendar for the rest of 2020. I’m looking forward to March, there are some exciting things happening. Before moving forward to March, now is a great time to review what I did in February with my Monthly Favourites.

It’s time to reflect on what happened in February.

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Looking Back on 2019: My Year in Review

Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020!

Not only is it a New Year but it’s also a new decade! I hope you had a lovely start to January, it’s one of my favourite months of the year as it’s perfect for reviewing what happened and how you can improve. Also, it’s really quiet! I love this as I can wind down before the excitement of the Summer which is one of the fast pace times of the year. Also, I’m able to catch up on my blogging game!

Before we move forward to 2020, I thought it would be good to look back on 2019 and review my favourite moments. I know I shared my Monthly Favourites, well most months, so really it’s just one big summary of all those months. I would be here forever if I shared EVERYTHING. So I’ll only be sharing one or two special moments from the month. Some months this was hard as soo much happened!

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Monthly Favourites // October 2019

Hello, hello! I know, you’ve probably been thinking, where on earth has she been?

Well, I’m back, I know it’s been a while, things have been pretty busy! But as Winter is fast approaching, I’m less busy and can put the time back into An Ocean Glimmer. Of course, this leads to a perfect timing with my Monthly Favourites for October. It was a great month and to be honest, I don’t know where it went!

It was another month of packed weekends going out on adventures. I know I haven’t shared these adventures on Instagram like I would normally, to be honest, the month has just gone past in a blur. I have my fingers crossed that I can change this for November and I’ll be back in the Instagram and blogging game once again.

Just because I’m a little excited, hello November!

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My Favourite Moments Since Becoming a Blogger

As the day, month and year go by, we are creating memories and moments, I’m such a big advocate of creating moments to remember. It has become easier to create memories thanks to the digital change, I remember growing up and having to wait weeks until you could view the images you snapped. Now all smartphones are cable of showing the image instantly.

Today, I thought I would do a special post, I have been blogging since October 2013, meaning this year I will be celebrating six years of An Ocean Glimmer. I thought I would go back through the archive of An Ocean Glimmer and share with you a couple of my favourite moments since becoming a blogger. Now grab yourself a cuppa and a couple of snacks, this is going to be a long one!

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Monthly Goals // June 2019

Goodbye May, Hello June!

I hope you’ve had a lovely start to June. As it’s the beginning of a new month, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the Goals I set myself at the beginning of May. Then create new Goals for June, I’m really excited about the upcoming month. I already have loads planned! I don’t think I’m home for one single weekend, it’s going to be a long but fun month.

As I explained recently in my 2019 Personal Goals Update, creating new Goals each month helps you to stay on top of what you want to achieve for the year. If you want to see what I got up to in May, I have shared my adventures in my Monthly Favourites // May 2019 here. It’s great to review and reflect each month, sometimes you even forget what you’ve done.

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Monthly Favourites // May 2019

Hello, there June!

Can you believe it’s already June? Where on earth is 2019 going!? I’m so excited for the upcoming month as it’s getting warmer, I adore the warm weather. It makes you want to get out of the house and go on adventures. It’s the beginning of June and I’ve already got something planned for each weekend. I’m going to be exhausted by the time July comes around.

Now is the perfect time to reflect on the previous month, I love doing this by sharing my Monthly Favourites with you! It’s time to reflect on what happened in May. It was a beautiful month, my trip home felt like forever away. As I’m writing this, I’m actually there again! On this occasion, its a quick break and we’re down due to personal reasons.

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Monthly Goals // May 2019

Goodbye April, Hello May!

I hope you’ve had a lovely start to May, is the month treating you well? As it’s the beginning of a new month, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the Goals I set myself at the beginning of April. Then create new Goals for May, I’m really excited about the upcoming month. I already have loads planned! May will surely be a great month with everything I have planned.

As I explained recently in my 2019 Personal Goals Update, creating new Goals each month helps you to stay on top of what you want to achieve for the year. If you want to see what I got up to in April, I have shared my adventures in my Monthly Favourites // April 2019 here. It’s great to review and reflect each month, sometimes you even forget what you’ve done.

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Monthly Favourites // April 2019

Hello, there May!

I can not believe May is here, I am so excited for the upcoming month, especially with going home soon. Now is the perfect time to reflect on the previous month., I love doing this by sharing my Monthly Favourites with you! It’s time to reflect on what happened in April. It was actually quite a quiet month, even though it went past in a blur, but I’ve still got some good favourites to share with you today.

Missed my March Favourites? Head over here to see what I was loving
during the month.

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